A4P Bake Sale Helps Injured Palestinians

November 18, 2024

(Arlington, MA) Brownies, cheesy biscuits, hot chocolate, and other delectable options were on sale at the 3rd Arlington for Palestine bake sale.  The bake sale was held at Spy Pond and brought out many local Arlington residents desperate to support Palestinians impacted by the genocide.

The bake sale generated over $2,000 in donations, thanks to a matching donation from an anonymous local business.  

The money raised will go to two non-profits, Heal Palestine and Doctors Without Borders. Both organizations are working diligently to support Palestinians injured by Israeli attacks or in need of urgent medical care.

Heal Palestine helps "Palestinian children rebuild their lives through a grassroots, holistic approach." The organization flew 5-year old Palestinian Aser to Boston to receive treatment after he lost his leg to an Israeli bomb in January. It's also working to continue to deliver life-saving medicine to Palestinians in Gaza.

As the weather gets colder, A4P will continue to find creative (and warm) ways to raise money to help Palestinians. Make sure to continue following our page for information about upcoming events, including bake sales!

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